i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

what a week.

let me start by saying it is 726 and i'm the ONLY person awake in the house. a FIRST ALL WEEK. breigh has been up before six most days this week. making me one tired momma. plus caitlyn has still been sick. yesterday she didn't keep anything down. so i took her to the walk in clinic at our hospital...i know CHILTON?!?! but i was in town aleady at my mother in laws and decided it was just easier. they were very nice and helpful. i took her in probably more out of paranoia. but she just didn't 'look herself', a mommy knows. the poor kid hadn't had anything stay in her belly since tuesday at three in the afternoon. they gave her a suppository to help with her vomitting, so lord willing that will work. it worked last night and they gave me a perscription to go get more. if she keeps stuff down this morning though i may not get it, i'm only supposed to give it to her if she keeps throwing up. praise the lord amelya and i, well and shaun, have not gotten sick. i've been run thin though this week. really thin. i'm exhausted. very exhausted. i don't know how else to describe it. no weeks before this have i gotten this run down. and it's only thursday. another busy day ahead for us too. ahhhhhhhh. but tomorrow is my ultrasound!! super yay!! then we're going to go to the hotel waterpark for breigh's birthday. then saturday is her birthday and then sunday is the parade in town and a party for breigh with my fam at my parent's house. good thing it's not here...i'd have to stay home and do some cleaning. the house isn't as bad as it has been, but needs a good picking up again. i still have to pack...which i should be doing now. instead i'm 'relaxing' in front of the computer. soon breigh will be up and my day will start. chilton has their city wide sales today and tomorrow. only a few of them are today, but considering i'll be a little busy tomorrow i thought i could check out a few today. i do not need too much more for amelya anywho. shaun's mom's neighbor is having a sale and let me look through it last night. and 60 bucks later i got a lot of stuff for amelya. the other day i also went to a friends who is getting rid of girl stuff and spent almost 70 there. i got a lot of winter stuff the other day and lots of summer stuff last night. plus a little vw beetle bug car, by power wheels, for the girls to drive around. they only wanted 10 bucks for it and the girls loved it. and a small bike with training wheels for amelya. for only 10 bucks. i asked her if she wanted it,it's purple, she likes pink. but she did. and she's been doing a great job riding it around. i've noticed the past few days how much she is turning into a little girl and not a little toddler anymore. she's grown up so much. she's a little lady. and talk talk talk. last night some kids in front of us were being sassy and i said they were being naughty and they probably didn't know jesus. my little amelya brought tears to my eyes when she said 'we should pray that they get jesus'. i love it. i truly love it. i said yep we should you're right.....well my breigh breigh is awake. she's talking, not crying, yay, in her bed. so my day starts. may your day have started and be richly blessed. because god is good like that...really good.

1 loving words from you.:

Jenny said...

I can't wait to see u/s pics! Have you decided if you are going to find out the sex yet?