i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

prayers appreciated please.

wow. i'm getting way worse than better at this blogging thing lately. but this time i have a tiny excuse. i've been sick with an awful head cold. it's all in my sinus' and eyes. BUT i do have a prayer request for today...and that's why i quick am typing this.

today at 1130 cst. i will go in for a d and c. the pills have caused nothing to happen. so my only option really at this point is a d and c. three weeks ago my dr asked me to wait two weeks to see what happens. and i didn't 'want' to, but it looks as if i did. and nothing has happend.

i'll be honest. i'm terrified. scared. afraid. etc etc etc of the d/c this afternoon. i hated the one i had a few years ago. i remember EVERY SINGLE sound. tug. pull. it was the most awfulest thing ever to endur. and i had prayed for the past three weeks, to not have to endur it again. it's god's plan that i do though.

so i am. my prayer request is this. just pray that i can't remember anything. that i don't hear anything. that it's all just a big blur. when i talked to the nurse on monday i asked for some stronger drugs then i may have had last time. so lord willing i'll get something nice and strong.

shaun is going with me. my sister is meeting us at the hospital to watch the kiddos until shaun's sister gets done with work. she just so 'happens' to have a half day today. isn't that cool how god works that out. shaun's sister will take the kiddos back to her house until we come and get them. i'm so thankful that it all worked out to have someone watch them.

oh yea, and i started potty training breigh. i realized this week that NEXT week starts dance class. breigh needs to be potty trained for dance class. YIKES! i have a little less than a week to do it. honestly i was planning on starting this week, after today. but i also thought i had TWO weeks til dance started not ONE. so please pray for this as well. potty training is honestly something i hate doing. i lose my paitence really quickly for some reason while potty training. it's a stressful time for me...until i stop and pray. so i myself have to remember to keep praying ALWAYS during this season. because it is just a season. and lord willing a very short one. ;0)

in fact last night when breigh was sitting on the toilet caitlyn came in and said potty. she wanted to sit down on the toilet. so okay. she did. she didn't go though. until she walked out in the living room and peed on the floor. SO i may even get TWO kids potty trained out of this. we'll see. i'm not pushing caitlyn into it at all, but if it happens...i'll totally take it.

so do you need prayer? because i'd love to hear your prayer requests if you have them. i'm always asking for prayer, but feel that prayer is so powerful i should be praying for YOU TOO!! please let me know if there is anything you'd like prayer for. and i'd be so blessed to pray for you. :0)

13 loving words from you.:

He & Me + 3 said...

I will be praying Amanda.

Kelli W said...

I hope everything goes smoothly for you today! I'm so sorry that you are going through this again. I will be thinking of you and praying for you today! Good luck with the potty training....I completely understand the no patience thing when it comes to potty training! I was almost crazy by the time I got Henry trained!

~*Michelle*~ said...

Consider prayers said and to be continued throughout.....I love ya mama.

Ami said...

I'm praying for you. Can they/will they put you completely out for the surgery? They did for both of mine and I know that helped some... I didn't hear or feel a thing after being wheeled into the OR. Again, so sorry that you're going through this.

Also, hope potty training goes smoothly!

Jennifer W. said...

I will be praying. Maybe they'll knock you out.

Alicia The Snowflake said...

OH I will definitely be praying for you my friend. May God's hand of comfort and protection be upon you.

Veronica said...

Hey Amanda...Sorry I haven't commented/emailed you in a while. Things have been a little busy on this end. Just wanted to let you know I'll be praying for you today!

Love ya,

ASHLEY said...

praying for you. sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience with your last d&c. i mean i know it is something terrible to go through. i have also lost a baby and had to have a d&c. for mine, they put me to sleep. i never knew a thing, never felt a thing. sorry you had that experience on top of your loss. praying you will be at peace today and they will help with not feeling any pysical pain.

-stephanie- said...

You're covered in prayer. God is good. Hold on tight to Him.

The Mama said...

so sorry amanda. prayers for you!

Unknown said...

Prayers for a smooth surgery and healing and peace.

Martha said...

Aw, you KNOW I'm praying for you my dear sweet friend!!!! <3 You continue to amaze me with your courage and faith throughout the whole ordeal. Bless you for being a prime example of a mom walking with the Lord no matter how rainy it is!

Chari said...

I'm really sorry to hear you have to go through this :-(