i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Monday, April 05, 2010

giveaway gala day one!!

when i started planning my gala a few weeks...or maybe even months ago...i thought of kelli, over at random thoughts of a super mom, it really should be super CRAFTY mom!! she's always sharing great craft ideas...and cheap ones at that...and easy ones. so i asked if she wanted to take part in the gala. she of course said yes. and we decided to go with a...

monogrammed beach towel! isn't it so super cute!? i absolutely love the adorableness of it. plus as a mom, i'm always buying the kids cute-sy towels to take the beach or camping or whatever...but i've never bought a cute towel for me. and since it has my initial on it (well and amelya's) i guess that means it's all mine! (and if i have to share it i'll share it with amelya too...) and this week i got waaaaaaay behind on wash, and used the towel for after my shower too. so it'll get a lot of use at my house...because i always seem to be behind in the laundry department. :0)

and of course another great part of summer time is sandal time. i absolutely LOVE old navy flip flops. i always buy a few pairs at the beginning of every summer. so i figured...why not pair up a super cute beach towel with a pair of flip flops!

so that's the giveaway...a monogrammed beach towel and a pair of flip flops for you!! (or your friend, sister, daughter, whoever...)

so how do you win!? well...here is the MANDATORY ENTRY::

** leave a comment telling me your favorite, or one of your favorite things about summer.**
((and since it's fun to know...one of MY favorite things about summer is the fact that i don't have to get all the kiddos coats and hats and winter boots on. i love being able to leave the windows open and smell the rain. and i'm also super excited to be adding baby girl E to the family this summer too!!))

and of course there's always EXTRA ENTRIES::
(each of these are for one more entry each. please be sure to leave a seperate comment for each.)

(and be sure to have a way for me to contact you if you are the winner. leave your email if it is not attached to your blogger profile. thanks!)

** leave a comment with which letter you'd have monogrammed on the towel**

** leave a comment with your flip flop size **

** grab the GALA button on the sidebar and put it on your blog **

** follow MY blog **

** follow KELLI'S blog **

** blog about the week of giveaways (please leave link) **

so if you're way ambitious that's SEVEN chances each for you to win a towel and pair of flip flops!!

and of course be back tomorrow for another great giveaway sponsored by another great mom who makes...well you'll have to come back tomorrow to see!!

ALL of the giveaways will END ON APRIL 12th at MIDNIGHT. any comments left between now and
APRIL 12th will count for the giveaway.

the winners of each of the giveaways will be announced on April 13th. the winners will have 48 hours to get back to me with their information. failure to do so will result in a new winner being picked. so please be sure to have a way for me to get a hold of you! :0)

super fine print ** kelli was super nice to send me a super cute beach towel with my initial on it and
i was super nice to myself and bought myself a pair of pink (and orange, and silver, and black) flip flops.
i was not compensated for this giveaway in any way shape or form  from old navy.**

284 loving words from you.:

Karyn said...

I LOVE summer... some of the things I like most are long walks with the family, going to the farmer's market and running outside...

Karyn said...

I would have the letter K put on the towel...

Karyn said...

I wear size 8 flip flops...

Karyn said...

I follow your blog

Karyn said...

I now follow Kelli's bolg

Jessi said...

I love summer because of swimming and the long days! Yea!!

Karyn said...

I put the Gala button in my blog

Jessi said...

I would have letter J monogrammed on the towel

Jessi said...

I wear size small 5-6

Jessi said...

I follow your blog

carissa said...

i adore surf fishing in the sand with my hubby during the summer!!! i even bait my own hook. : )

carissa said...

i follow your blog & kelli's! : )

carissa said...

i wear size 9.

Michelle said...

One of my favorite things about summer is not having to wake up so early to get hubby and son off for the day. In fact, today begins Spring break and I got to sleep in. WOOHOO!!

Michelle said...

I wear a size `10` flip-flop

Michelle said...

I have the Gala button on my blog

Michelle said...

I follow your blog

Michelle said...

I blogged about this week of giveaways.

Leah said...

So cute! :) I love summer, because it's what I call flip flop season! LOL I hate regular shoes and would prefer to wear flip flops year round! As a matter of fact, I started wearing flip flops in February and will most likely continue to wear them into Oct/Nov!

Leah said...

If I win, I would like the letter "L" put on the towel.

Leah said...

Gala button up on my blog!


Leah said...

I follow your blog :)

Leah said...

And I now follow Kelli's blog :)

Leah said...

And, I wear a size 8/9 flip flop!

Kristin said...

That's so cute!! I just did a shirt the other day with that same fabric :)

Kristin said...

I follow your blog!

Kristin said...

I would have a "K" put on the towel :)

Kristin said...

I wear size 8 flip flops :D

Anna Gray said...

Can I put 'several' of my favorite things about the summer time? I ♥ going to the beach, being able to wear flip flops, shorts, and tank tops, swimming, spending the night w/friends during the week, the list goes on.......

agk11808 said...

i would love to get an "A" b/c like you i can use it and share it with aryssa... or maybe a "K" for our last name...i will decide WHEN i win :D

Anna Gray said...

I'd have the letter A monogrammed on the towel. =D

agk11808 said...

oh sorry forgot, my favorite thing about summer, i love sleeping with the windows open and having that fresh breeze blowing in

agk11808 said...

i have your button...since the day you put it up :)

Anna Gray said...

I wear a size 6 1/2 to a seven in flip flops (i would just go w/ size 7 though....just to be safe). =)

agk11808 said...

i follow your blog

agk11808 said...

i now follow kelli also

Anna Gray said...

your gala button is on my sidebar! =)

Anna Gray said...

I also follow ya! =)

agk11808 said...

i wear size 9 for flippy flops

Anna Gray said...

I now follow Kelli! ♥

agk11808 said...

i also blogged about this, but i don't know now to put the link on here... but so that i am following the rules i will leave my blog address?!?! i don't know!


Tonia said...

Some of the reasons I love Summer are similar to yours. I love not having to get jackets, hats, mittens, boots, and scarves on all of my children plus myself. I love being able to leave the doors open. I love being able to play outside and just sit in the sun. We love to camp with our family in the summer too. And this summer we will be having baby #4 so that is something that I love this summer. (late summer)

Anna Gray said...

Blogged about it (and left your link in the post). =D

Tonia said...

I wear size 8.5 or 9 flipflops.

Tonia said...

I would have "J" on my towel!

Amanda said...

I love summer because we get to be outside. I also love it because of the reason you listed. Our kids can go outside with or without shoes if they're in the back yard. And well the windows, and the smells of summer! LOVE LOVE! But not the heat, not a fan of that. I prefer spring the best!

Amanda said...

I would have an A monogramed on mine....just cause Amanda is such a cool name! :)

Amanda said...

I'm not sure what size I wear in those...I always have to buy squishy flip flops for myself. And I wear a 9.5 in shoes.

Amanda said...

I follow your blog! :)

{Kimber} said...

my fav part of summer is the sand between my toes at the beach :)

{Kimber} said...

I have a little midget foot---size 6

{Kimber} said...

I would have a letter K on mine :)

{Kimber} said...

I follow Kelli already :)

{Kimber} said...

and now I follow you :)

Megan said...

An "M" monogrammed towel, please! And I LOVE monograms! This is a perfect way to start!

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

One of my favorite things about summer is that the family and I get to spend a lot more time outside. :) That's just not possible in the winter months. :P

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

I would like to have the letter B monogrammed on that super adorable towel!!

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

My flip flop size would be a 9.

Ashley said...

my favorite thing about summer is the warm weather and all of the outside things we can do! whether it be going to the park with ayden, going swimming, taking bike rides or just sitting in the sun and reading a good karen kingsbury book, hehe!

Ashley said...

i would have the letter 'A' put on the towel, but in girlie colors so i wouldn't have to share with ayden, lol!

Ashley said...

i wear size 9 flip flops!

Ashley said...

i follow you!

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

Already follow your blog!

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

Following Kelli's blog now too!

-stephanie- said...

What a cute giveaway. I love that my girls are out of school and we don't have to drive anywhere unless we want to.

-stephanie- said...

I need a new beach towel, so my monogram would be "S"

-stephanie- said...

My flip flop size is 6.5 or 7 if there are no half sizes.

-stephanie- said...

I follow your blog. :o)

-stephanie- said...

Phew....you're making us work! ;o)

Your gala button is up on my blog.

-stephanie- said...

Blogged and linked up over at my place too. :o)

PunkRockChic said...

My favorite thing about summer is being able to go to the pool (almost) every day. Franky and I love to swim!

PunkRockChic said...

I follow your blog =)

PunkRockChic said...

I wear a size 8 =)

PunkRockChic said...

I would have the letter "F" monogrammed =)

Jessica said...

Super cute! My favorite thing about summer is FLIP FLOPS and SKIRTS! It makes getting dressed SO much easier and less of a hassle. =)

Jessica said...

I'd have the letter B put on the towel.

Jessica said...

Size 8 flip flops for me!

Jessica said...

I have your button!

Melissa said...

my favorite things for summer are grilling out, camping, flip flops, walks, the kids being able to play outside, and gardening :0)

Melissa said...

i would need a 'm' :0)

Melissa said...

i need a size 8-9

Melissa said...

i follow kelli

Anonymous said...

My favorite part of summer is camping! We go for a week and its the highlight of my year :)
sara http://myfrugalfunlife.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

For the letter, I'd chose S for me-since I never get anything for myself :)
sara http://myfrugalfunlife.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

My shoe size is 8 1/2 so I'd probably go for a size 8 flip flop-they seem to stretch a bit after use!
sara http://myfrugalfunlife.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

just added your giveaway button on my blog :)
sara http://myfrugalfunlife.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

just became a follower of Kelli's blog!
sara http://myfrugalfunlife.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Just became a follower of your blog :)
sara http://myfrugalfunlife.blogspot.com/

Holly said...

One of my fav things about summer is the sun itself! I love it when it shines bright and the day is warm. I just like lounging in it!

Holly said...

I'd monogram it w/ an H. It's for my first and last name! :)

Holly said...

grabbing gala button now!

Holly said...

I follow you!

{:miss v:} said...

I love summer because it's time for summery skirts, tank tops and sandals! I also really really love the smell of sunscreen!

{:miss v:} said...

I'd have the letter 'e' put on the towel for my Mr. Evan!

{:miss v:} said...

I wear a size 9 in sandals...I have big feet...

{:miss v:} said...

I follow you!

{:miss v:} said...

I posted your gala button on my sidebar!

{:miss v:} said...

Now following Kelli's blog!

Heather Fox said...

Still think this is such a cute idea!! I love the summer bacuse of all the pretty girly dresses that Elizabeth can wear!! Makes me smile to see her twirl in her dresses! Oh, and I would do "F" just to not leave anyone out! HA

Veronica said...

Hey! I am super behind on reading blogs today, so here I am finally!

I'm so excited for this week and all the giveaways!!!

My favorite thing about summer is how we get to go to the beach with the family. I also love eating all the summertime fruits like strawberries and watermelons!

Veronica said...

I think I would have the towel monogrammed with an "A" since I'll have three A's that can use it around here!

Veronica said...

This one is embarassing! My flip flop size is HUGE, and just because I'm pregnant. :) It's a size 10!

Veronica said...

Giveaway gala button is up! :)

Veronica said...

I follow! :)

Steph said...

My favorite part of summer is not working!! I am a teacher and this is my time to take a break and getting tanned. I love having some color on my legs, ha!

Steph said...

I would have a letter S on my towel!

Steph said...

I wear size 10 flip flops

Steph said...

I follow your blog

Steph said...

I put the gala button on my sidebar!


Anonymous said...

no school

Anonymous said...

extra time with my son

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

boat riding on the lake

Anonymous said...

my son's t-ball games at the YMCA

Anonymous said...

swimming and laying out

Bridgette said...

My favorite thing about summer is no work (I am a teacher)! :)

Bridgette said...

B on the towel

Bridgette said...

flip flop size 7

Bridgette said...

I am a follower :)

Bridgette said...

I am now following Kelli's blog.

Beccalynn said...

Yay, Amanda! A giveaway!!!!

My favorite thing about summer is that I have it off from work. One of the perks of being a teacher :-D

clothdiapermommy at yahoo dot com

delaney said...

My favorite part about summer would have to be going to the pool/beach, spending time with my family, and I'm not going to lie, getting a break from school!! :)

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

delaney said...

For the towel, I'd have the letter "D"

delaney said...

I have huge feet....Size 10/11 for me!

delaney said...

I follow your blog!

delaney said...

I follow Kelli's blog!

More Than Words said...

Great giveaway!!!

What I love about summer? Air conditioning! LOL

More Than Words said...

I would want the letter M

More Than Words said...

Flip flop size 7

More Than Words said...

I follow you!

More Than Words said...

I follow Kelli too!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

I would have the letter R monogrammed on that ADORABLE towel!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

I follow your blog....now. I'm glad I found it!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

I'm going to go over and follow Kelli's blog. (can't wait) :)

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

And oh, me, oh my...I wear size 9 in flipflops!!! I think being the mom of seven has made my feet grow. :)

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

And my MANDATORY entry?

strawberry shortcake for dinner.

Many times.


Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about summer is our weekly trips to the lake. It is always so relaxing and so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

I would have the letter "S" monogrammed on the towel.

Love it!!

Anonymous said...

I wear a 6/7 for shoes/flipflops. And of course I always need more shoes. :)

Anonymous said...

I am now following your blog!

Pam said...

My favorite thing about summer is having some time off to enjoy the sunshine and smell the flowers.

Pam said...

I wear 7-8 size flip flops. :)

christy rose said...

I love the warm summer nights!!

christy rose said...

I would love a monogrammed "R" on my towel. :)

christy rose said...

My flip flop size is a 7

christy rose said...

I follow you!

christy rose said...

I follow Kellie!

Pam said...

I would put the letter "P" on my towel- that way I could tell everyone my towel was the one with "pee" on it... hehe...

By the way, Amanda, I love reading your blog- lots of good mommy stories and advice. I've never commented before though, so I had to sign-up- let's just say I'm a sucker for prizes. I'm excited to see what else you are giving away- I'm hoping some other good mommy stuff that I don't know I need... yet.

Pam said...

Oh, after my "pee" comment, it reminded me of a monogramed bag that someone gave me- it has my initials on it and I think you will find this funny- it has my first initial and middle initial next to each other with my last name initial big in the middle (try to visualize)... anyway, that comes out to be PMS!!! I have a bag that I carry around that says PMS on it! Hehe. Oh, I think I mentioned it before too, but I follow your blog, mostly through facebook.

Felicia said...

I would have my little grandbaby's initial "L" monogrammed on it for her FIRST trip to the beach this year. Oh what fun it will be!

Felicia said...

I would love this towel for our so very much anticipated trip to the beach this May.

Felicia said...

I already follow Kelli's blog (that's how I found you) !

Felicia said...

I now follow your blog and am so excited to "meet" someone new!

Felicia said...

Oh, and I wear a size 8 flip flop...gotta have those flip flops for the beach!

Megan R. said...

That's adorable! My faborite thing about summer is flip flops!! I wish I could wear them year round, but they aren't very snow friendly! I also love park play dates!

Megan R. said...

I'm kind of torn on what letter I'd get. I'd love one for me, but it would be cute for Carson, too....

Megan R. said...

In ON flip flops, I'm a 7-8 : )

Megan R. said...

I follow your blog!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Oh how super cute! I love the warmer weather...except it gets too warm here in the South. Oh well, that's much better than the winter we've had.

Thanks for sharing!
Hope you have a great week my friend!

The Beaver Bunch said...

Yay for Giveaway Gala week!

Now, my all time favorite summer past time would have to be sitting with my Man (the hubs...duh) at the ballpark, soaking in a (nite) baseball game, eating ballfield hotdogs and waiting for the fireworks after the game.

Ahhhhh...now, lemme see if I can plan that for our next date nite!

The Beaver Bunch said...

I'd have a "B" monogrammed on the towel so that anyone in my family could use it.


The Beaver Bunch said...

Muh flop size is a 9er.

The Beaver Bunch said...

I already follow you, does that count?

He & Me + 3 said...

Look at you with all the fun comments. Super cute towel. I love sleeping in...not so rushed in the summer.

He & Me + 3 said...

I would want an A on the towel. My daughters god mother.

He & Me + 3 said...

I follow Kelli's blog

He & Me + 3 said...

size 9 flip flop

Veronica said...

Just came back to add that I blogged about your week of giveaways today! The link...



♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...

My favorite thing is going to the beach with the kiddos. I love the sun and spending family time out of the house. :)

♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...

I would have a C monogrammed for me. :)

♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...

I think I am an 8 in flip flops. :)

♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...

Of course I follow you.

♥Yaya's Mommy ♥ said...

I have your gala button under my events on the left side of my blog. :)

Sherry said...

I love flip flops!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats my fav part of summer! That and that the kids can go outside and run off the extra energy!

Stephanie said...

I love summer grill outs and campfires.

mittelmommy said...

summer...i love being able to wear flip flops...summer food/grilling out and potato salad...camping...all the beautiful flowers that are in full bloom!

mittelmommy said...

hmm...either 'm' or 'c'...i could do m for my last name or malia's...but maybe 'c' since every thing that i buy is for the kids and they already have beach towels...so C it would be!

mittelmommy said...

i think i'd be an 8.5...but if they only have whole sizes than 8 always works!

mittelmommy said...

i follow you!

mittelmommy said...

and i now follow kelli-whom i had to check out her blog way longer than i should have, but i loved some of her crafty ideas! now i can't wait for her to post more! lol

Lisa Noel said...

my favorite thing about summer is being able to get the kids outside. three kids in our tiny house gets a little crazy over the long winer

Vanessa said...

I love that we can walk and play outside each day! I crave that in the winter!!

jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

Vanessa said...

I think I'd have the letter "V" monogrammed on!

jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

Vanessa said...

I wear a size 9!

jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

Vanessa said...

I follow your blog!

jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

Vanessa said...

I'm following Kelli's blog!

jewelsntreasures (at) yahoo (dot) com

Kristin said...

I love your answer. It is so nice to leave the house without extra baggage! But being pregnant, food is on my mind so I'll say the thing I love about summer is food on the grill. Yummy.

Kristin said...

"K" on my towel, please. :-)

Kristin said...

I wear flip flop size 9.

Rusti said...

my very very favorite thing about summer?? NO SNOW!!! and also - the sunshine, the warm breezes, the smell of freshly cut grass... and this year my baby girl will be able to ENJOY summer (she's 15months old TODAY!)

rusti.sidel at gmail dot com

Emmalie and Aidan's Mom said...

My favorite part about summer is that I get the entire summer off work to be a stay at home mom and do whatever I want with the kids.

Emmalie and Aidan's Mom said...

I'd have the letter L monogrammed on the towel.

Emmalie and Aidan's Mom said...

size 8 for the flippy floppies!

Emmalie and Aidan's Mom said...

I follow your blog!

Stephanie said...

I wear size 9/10 flip flops.

Stephanie said...

I would like an S on mine.

Stephanie said...

I have your gala button on my blog.

Renee said...

I love the fact that it is daylight until after 9:00 during the summer, and catching (and releasing) lightning bugs! I also love swimming with my daughter.
yeloechikee at hotmail dot com

Renee said...

R on the towel please.

Renee said...

Size 11 on the flip flops. Go ahead, laugh.