i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

weekly biggest loser review..

here it is my review...which i will tell all...if you didn't see it and want to...don't read!! :0)

can i get a big YAY!! joelle is gone. i feel bad for carla, i really do. but i was S-I-C-K of the cirlces joelle talks in constantly!! i am very sad that they couldn't seem to work through all of this. it kind of stinks that there is no friendship between them. i don't know how long they were friends before the show...but oh well...it takes two to be friends and a team...as of now i think it was both ONE sided...

...can i get a shout-out for the blue team. I LOVE THEM. i have no idea why. they just make me laugh. and they are just so geniune. i dunno...but if it hadn't been for immunity they would've been below the yellow line...whew...

...i feel so bad for the brown team. you can tell they want to be there. but they keep coming up short. hopefully next week goes better...

...i was surprised at the weight lost at home. i was disappointed in the yellow team girl, aubrey, only because she started making excuses...and then went off on joelle for making excuses later in the show...hello? you were doing the same thing chicky!!

...the wisconsin team continues to do well!! yay!! go purple. :0) besides the blue team i also am rooting for them. :0)

...actually though i like all the teams. they seem to be all working hard, besides joelle, and it has been a good show...and i like how it isn't as 'game-y' as last season was. but i'm sure it'll get that way soon enough...

so really that's all i have to say about the show last night.

story time this morning went well. neither of my friends could make it, so i didn't really have them to talk to. but i talked to some of the other moms. one mom there has three kids all under three. only eleven months between her last two. and she was saying she doesn't know 'how i do it!' i think that is funny. she 'does it' too. only i have one more than her. she finds someone to watch her baby for her during storytime...which if i could i probably would to!! i don't have that option...so we all go. which isn't a big deal either. besides then i think they grow up learning how to 'act in public'. if i keep them out of public til they're older...i don't think they will behave as well. i mean they can be 'trained' i'm sure...but it's just easier, for me, to bring them out right away. whatever...

dustin has been not sleeping good the past two night. he's gotten up just crying. no fun. i can get him back to sleep no problem...just hold the nuk in a bit...but it's frustrating for me because he's been sleeping through the night for almost two months and so have i!! lol. i know i probably shouldn't be complaining because there are other babies way older than him who may not sleep through the night. i have a 'rule' once they start sleeping through the night i WILL NOT feed them until that time. since he's started sleeping through the night a few months ago, til six or after, that means i will not feed him til six or after. i am not going to get into a habit of feeding him at 2 or 4 in the morning again. hopefully he realizes this tonight and doesn't wake up. sure i don't like to hear him fussing, but if he were truly hungry he'd scream his head off and not take the nuk. he does neither. i have broken down and held him though. usually i won't do that either. i know mean. BUT i am not going to start bad habits of holding him in bed with me. i guess i'm a toughie when it comes to that.

i'm a 'let 'em cry' type of mom too. they'll be fine. i do check on them, but if they're not bleeding, puking, etc etc..i just lay them back down and walk back out. so me picking him up is a big 'no-no' on my part...but hey...i'm a mom...and i'm human...and i've done it with the girls a few times...so sue me! he sleeps right next to me in the bassinet yet...so i just stroke his face and hold his nuk in until he is fast asleep. however i have lost a few nuks in the process...i think he starts making noise so i grab the nuk...and then he quiets and i go to sleep with the nuk in my hand and i lose them. oh well...i've got more...but i do need to look for the others...i'm lazy like that!!

i haven't been doing much commenting lately. i'm sorry my friends!! i've had enough time to post a post and that's that lately. i'll try to get better at it!!

we're having pot roast for supper tonight. i'm being tortured by the smell though. it smells SOOOOO yummy. hopefully shaun doesn't work too late...i like to eat supper as a family. but man i don't know...lol...

cloth diapering continues to go well. and i'd like to encourage anyone who has ever thought about doing it to give it a shot! i have some diapers that i'm not using and am trying to sell on cl here i bought them used from a lady. i think she way misrepresented them. they are very well loved and used. so i'm just being picky. but they're pretty cheap and if you are just wanting to 'try' it out...it's worth the deal then. i'm also selling one of my extra nursing covers here. two of my friends that have used it don't need it now. so i figure i may as well get the extra money from trying to sell that. i have tons of boy clothes too. i bought so much when i thought caitlyn was a boy...and never used them for dustin. i may get ambitious and try to sell them too. we'll see...because you never know...lol...geesh...no i'm not preggo...how can you even think that!! if you were anyways...and seriously i'm not...

...but have been thinking about more babies again lately. like should we? shouldn't we? oh geesh let god plan it already!! because truly it's ALL up to him. thank goodness. because if i were in control...i don't know what i'd be like....nor do i want to know...

so i suppose i've got wash to switch and wash to start. :0) so see you later gators. i'm also tired. hence the weirdness...so i'll stop before i scare you all away!!

7 loving words from you.:

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Thanks so much for the BL recap. I totally missed it! TG Joelle is GONE!!!!!
Thanks also for your prayers during the past few days. It means a lot to me. :)
Do you have the results back from your biopsy?

mittelmommy said...

i pretty much agree with your recap(incase you cared) but i think the green team is a pretty hard working set of girls too! i kinda like them as well.
glad the diapers are going well.
and i don't think you should think about selling your boy cothes or girl clothes yet...i'm pretty sure there will be another baby yet if it goes at all by how you talk!! =)
what is with our boys?!?!? gage has been up the last few nights as well! he's way past that, i understand when he's sick, but he's not sick so he should be sleeping and letting his overly tired mommy sleep too! so, dustin, sweetie, let your mommy sleep tonight!
dinner sounds good...we're having steak and cheesey potatoes with a veggie salad!
see ya tomorrow!

Rachel said...

Oh I wish I would have been better about Abigail's sleep routine from the start...you are good but I guess you do have a bit more experience that me. :) On another note I just emailed you about the diapers and don't worry I'm not misrepresenting them...which reminds me I forgot to attach the pics I'll do that now. :)

ASHLEY said...


3 Bay B Chicks said...

I have to echo Jill's comment and ask how the biopsy went. I've been keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Also, sometimes your parenting techniques are so similar to mine that it is scary. I'm a big believer that unless they are near death, my kids can cry it out. We call it "character building" in my house. :)


He & Me + 3 said...

I am glad the whole post wasn't about BL because I am the biggest loser because I don't watch it...so I am not in the loop. LOL
Anyways, I let mine cry it out for the most part too. When they wake up and we immediately go to them they tend to do it more often. Pot Roast...YUM. Actress asked for that tonight, but I had already planned tacos...and pot roast is not something you just throw together at the last minute. I like to crock pot it all day:)
Hope you are doing well!

heidi said...

I think Carla and uh...brian was it? from the orange team? I think THEY should get to come back as a team. They both got shafted with crappy partners.

I can't let the babies cry. Just can't do it.