i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Monday, June 22, 2009

where's the mailbox?

yesterday i was blessed to be able to do children's church!! i think you go into it looking to teach the kiddos. yet they teach YOU. i didn't have a huge lesson planned for yesterday. i just wanted to talk about father's day with them. but to also remind them that GOD is our father! and he loves us the 'mostest' (in the words of a little child.) then we were going to make their daddies some pictures. and god.

that's where the question came in. as i was explaining how we could make something for god. "M" asked me this: where's the mailbox? hmmm. where is the mailbox?!?! it got me thinking. and i told him how god is everywhere and he doesn't 'need' a mailbox because he sees everything. that answer was suffice for him. good thing! because i didn't know what else to say about god NOT having a mailbox. but it also got us talking after church how we could make a mailbox for god for the children's church. so if they want to make something private/special for god, they have a place to put it.

but now it has me thinking. where is OUR mailbox. not the one on the road. but in our hearts? is it open to receive mail...ALL the time? or is it open to receive mail when it's the mail we WANT to get? do i read ALL the mail? or just the stuff i WANT to read? to i get the mail EVERY day? or only when i WANT to get it? see a trend?

god is not a 'when you want him' god. he's not a god of 'convenience'. yet i think that's how we sometimes put him. we set him aside when we don't want to read what he wants to tell us. we set him aside when we think we can do it ourselves. we just plain don't make time for him.

yet he stays?! seriously. for myself, i know that i don't treat him as a good guest all the time. he is a guest afterall. one I invited INTO MY LIFE. yet I the HOST treat him sort of crummy sometimes. YET he chooses to stay. he's always there. doesn't leave. he paitently waits until i decide to make time for him. i stand in awe at the faithfulness of him. because i know if i were somewhere and was getting ignored i'd totally want to leave. yet he doesn't. he's waiting ever so paitently for me to return to him.

i can only imagine his paitence for those who've totally walked away from him. he sits. and waits. and waits. and waits. lovingly waiting for his son or daughter to return to him. what a father. an awesome abba father.

the love of god is something i feel. i know. yet i do not understand it. nor can i describe the peace that comes from it. until you, yourself, know that same love of god you won't understand how i can't describe or understand it.

my mailbox is probably a bit overflowing from god. there are probably some moldy letters in there because i didn't want to read them. basically because i didn't want to read what they have to say. so i challenge myself to open my mailbox. everyday. not when it 'works' out to do it. but everyday. i check my email about a bajillion times a day. how often do i check my mail from god? not anywhere near a bajillion. yet what god has to say is so much more powerful than some junk email for some money sitting in a bank for me in kajdjioeqjoijdkjieidlkjtchwan. today. tomorrow. and every tomorrow. i am going to open that mail from god. so i can make room for more things from him. because he has things he wants to tell me. wants to show me. i just need to want those things.

god is truly my father. he's my ever loving father. when we were making the pictures for god i asked each of the children to tell me their favorite thing about him. it was fun to hear their answers. they loved that HE loves us, that he protects us, that he does stuff for us...out of the mouth of babes.

i look forward to doing children's church again. it isn't for awhile now. we have about eight super fab ladies who are willing to teach it. so it's about once every two months for us to have to 'miss' church. we get a tape after to listen to and there is a speaker downstairs. but like yesterday, i didn't miss god speaking to me at all. i may have missed what mike's message was to church, but i didn't miss god speaking to my heart. sending me an urgent letter to MY mailbox.

all i had to do was open it.

19 loving words from you.:

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

WOW!! All that from teaching kids. That's impressive. :)

2blessed2stress said...

Wowers! Thanks for sharing that! I was up all night with two kiddos, so I did miss church... but thanks to you, feel like I got a message loud and clear as well!

2blessed2stress said...

Wowers! Thanks for sharing that! I was up all night with two kiddos, so I did miss church... but thanks to you, feel like I got a message loud and clear as well!

Jen said...

Wonderful post!

Lindy said...


Unknown said...

SUPER neat!! I love that!

Jennifer W. said...

What a great post. Don't you love when the kids teach you more than you teach them??

E @ Scottsville said...

I love the idea for the mailbox to God. Very cute!

It left me wondering what God's address might be:

777 Golden St.
Heaven 00001

Jessi said...

Beautiful message. I want to go to your bible class! Thanks for the words to think on...

Love all your kiddos in their hats! They are just all SO CUTE!!


The Beaver Bunch said...

Love the new header and the new sidebar pics. ADORABLE!

-stephanie- said...

Great post. I need to check God's mailbox more often. I bet there's tons of mail in it that I need to read.

April said...

The ped I saw at Thedacare also mentioned a capful of bleach in a normal amount of bathwater for him. Also creeped me out! She said that once a week (or could use vinegar, but said that would sick real bad) LOL I laughed, and what? Bleach smell like flowers? :) I think i will stick to a dip in the pool once a week :)

I really liked the camp ground! We never camped as a kid, but Paul did alot and we love that our neighbors are so willing to have us tag along!

I love the knit hats for the kids! Cute cute pics!!

Veronica said...

Amanda, what a good word!

P.S. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I meant to tell you that I watched the video of your little ones dancing. So cute. I love that song too! I also love the new pics on your sidebar! Thanks again for everything! It will be fun to see who wins the giveaway!

Alicia The Snowflake said...

Kids have such a way of seeing God's truth far clearer than we can. Thanks for sharing this awesome word today. May we always rememeber to check our mail. Great word my friend!

christy rose said...

Amanda, What a great post! It is amazing how much we can learn from children if we will pay attention.
I loved what you wrote today! It ministered to me alot.
I need to go check my mailbox now!
See ya,


More Than Words said...

Amen, Amanda!!

His love letter to us is something we should always be excited to open!!! That is the only way we'll be able to grow too!

Wonderful post, and great reminder for us all!!!


3 Bay B Chicks said...

Whenever I am feeling a bit blue, I need to remember to visit your blog, Amanda. Always such a great, great pick-me-up awaits me here. Case in point: this post and the darling pictures of your kids in hats.

It really can't be beat. :)


Five Moms & A Blog said...

What a lovely idea!I used to serve in Children's church but now I am on the nursery rotation.

However, I do remember how simplifying something for the things simplified it for me too, and spoke to me too.

It's amazing how we really can have those quick talking at God moments, without really stopping to hear Him talk to us!

I love how you talking about opening that mail from God. His word is a treasure that speaks to us and all we need to do is prayerfully open it to see what He has to say to us today!

~ Nan

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Well. You are a better woman than me. Even as a teacher, children's church makes me run for the hills!