YAY!! it's a review...and a giveaway. of some GREAT products from Seventh Generation...
Disinfecting Multi-Surface
Disinfecting Bathroom
Disinfecting Wipes - 35 ct.
Please note: The Disinfectants have Thymol sent (from Thyme oil). These are NOT considered free & clear, but they are great for immune-depressed households or those with small children, hence why I’ve included them here. The scent dissipates quickly. ((this is very true, and it's a good smell.))
Laundry Detergent – F&C 32 oz
Liquid Fabric Softener – F&C 40 oz
Dish liquid
All- Purpose Cleaner
Auto-Dish Pacs
Glass Cleaner
Natural Paper Towels
Seventh Gen Recycled Bag
the box all the stuff came in was over flowing with prodcuts. FULL sized products. i LOVED that! of course i had to use the stuff right away.
i'll admit the natural paper towels seemed...well thin and 'cheap'. but because i had to review them, i went with it...and am glad i did. even though they're a 'thinner' paper towel, they hold up SO well and work great. i was for sure surprised by that. in fact we went through the roll pretty fast and i bought some at a local store. i'm going to have to do some price checking though to see if i can get it cheaper someplace else. because it was like 2 bucks for one roll...and when you have kids...they spill...and you use a lot of paper toweling then. :0)
i absolutely loved the auto-dish packs. it cleaned our dishes great. and we weren't left with the yucky food particles that can sometimes be left on dishes. ((i'm lazy and hardly ever rinse the dishes before we put them in...seriously though..that's the POINT of the dishwasher, why should i wash before i put them in?))
on a side note, something i didn't get as part of the review, but have because i LOVE it. is the seventh generation rinse aid. NO water spots. love it. ((just so you know. lol))
the laundry detergent and softener worked great too. and i'm going to have to search out where i can buy more, because it's almost gone. i love using liquid softener because i'm pretty bad at remembering to through in a dryer sheet. so it's nice to have some liquid to use. the detergent is also formulated for an HE machine, which i think most brands now a days are...but just so you know.
the disinfecting items also worked great. and the smell of the products was nice. and not all chemically smelly. when i'm pregnant i can not stand most smells of cleaning products. they give me headaches and it's awful. so it's so nice to have products without all the yucky chemicals. and made naturally. and that actually CLEAN the stuff you want to clean.
i liked the 'regular' dish washing liquid too. i soaked something that couldn't be put in the dishwasher, with hot water and a bit of the liquid. and it all washed off great. i like not having to scrub and scrub and caked on gunk.
overall, i'm super happy with all the seventh generation products i've used. plus it's nice to know that the products don't contain harmful chemicals and yuck. i can actually clean without getting a headache. ((i haven't decided if that's good or bad...because shaun used to do it when i was pregnant and couldn't handle it. lol))
so i'm sure you want some to try now don't you?!? i'm sure. i also forgot to mention that it comes with the re-useable bag. ((except if you're like me, you have them in your van, but they never make it in the store with you. lol))
so here's what you get! the same products i did part of the Free and Clear Starter Kit::
Disinfecting Multi-Surface
Disinfecting Bathroom
Disinfecting Wipes - 35 ct.
Laundry Detergent – F&C 32 oz
Liquid Fabric Softener – F&C 40 oz
Dish liquid
All- Purpose Cleaner
Auto-Dish Pacs
Glass Cleaner
Natural Paper Towels
Seventh Gen Recycled Bag
and here's what you HAVE to do to enter::
((this entry MUST be done for your other entries to count))
head on over to Seventh Generations Site and let me know another product(s) you'd love to try
((each worth an extra entry! i know it's a lot, but remember you can do as much or as little as you'd like!!))
**Follow my blog
**join the Seventh Generation 'Nation' and leave the link to your profile ((or if you already ARE a member, just leave a link to your profile.)) it's FREE to sign up!
** "Like" Seventh Generation on Facebook
**Blog about this giveaway, and leave me the link/blog name/etc
**follow Seventh Generation on Twitter
**follow me on Twitter
**TWEET the giveaway and leave me the 'permalink' ((once a day))
**NOTE**this giveaway is ONLY OPEN to US readers. ((their rules, not mine. sorry!!))
the giveaway will END MAY 19th at MIDNIGHT CENTRAL TIME ((all comments left between now and then dated for May 12-19th will count for the giveaway))
the winner will be announced MAY 20th and will have 48 HOURS to get back to me. failure to do so, will result in a new winner. so please be sure to have a way to contact you. :0)
so have fun entering!!
* i was provided with the kit from seventh generation, but was under no obligation to leave a positive review, and it did not influence my opinions in anyway *

102 loving words from you.:
i follow your blog!
i would like my husband to try the toliet bowl cleaner.
i would like him to try it 2 times a week.
I LOVE seventh generation products! I used their laundry detergent before making my own and it works great on cloth diapers. I'd love to try the chlorine-free pads for out and about (since I use cloth at home).
I follow you blog - and I FINALLY got my comments to go through!
I follow you on Twitter (Mom2Valerie)
I "Like" Seventh Generation on FB.
I'm a member of Seventh Generation "Nation" too.
I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter (Mom2Valerie)
Oh oh oh!! Now this is an AWESOME giveaway!!!!!!!!
I would love to try the multi surface cleaner......
.....because I have lots of multi surfaces to clean! LOL
Tweet - http://twitter.com/Mom2Valerie/status/13852274013
I am a stalker, er follower too~!
I would love to try their baby products. I've heard good things about the diapers and wipes.
I follow your blog!
I "like" Seventh Generation on Facebook.
I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter!
I follow you on Twitter!
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I would like to try the Disinfecting Wipes!
I follow you:)
I'd love to try the laundry detergent. Love to.
And I follow your blog...which is fabulous!
Blessings on your day.
I want to try their diapers.
I follow 7th Generation on Facebook
And I follow them on twitter
and I follow you on Twitter
Plus I follow your blog.
I subscribed to your blog
I follow 7th generation on their page
I foolow/like 7th generation on face book
what i would like to try: thier laundry detergent. i currently make mine.
I follow 7th gen on their page
I don't have a blog, but i posted to all my friends on my facebook wall, does tht count? Tiffany Wynne on facebook, here is the link:
I would love to try the laundry and dishwasher products.
I follow your blog.
I follow you on Twitter.
I like Seventh Generation on Facebook.
I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter.
I would like to try their diapers and baby wipes
follow your blog
member of seventh generation nation
like seventh generation on facebook (stephanie gaffney)
follow seventh generation on twitter @skgaff
follow you on twitter @skgaff
I'd like to try the natural glass and surface cleaner. =)
I follow you! =)
Blogged about it! =)
I follow you on twitter!
Tweeted about it! =)
i would like to try all the stuff....but if i had to pick one i would like to try the laundry soap or toliet bowl cleaner
i joined the seventh generation nation
i like seventh generation on fb
i follow seventh generation on twitter
i think i tweet-ed i am not sure if i did it right since i am new to this whole 'tweeting' world
you'll have to let me know if i did it right lol
i follow you, of course!!!
i have always wanted to try their diapers but i never have coupons for them.
I'd love to try just about everything, but especially the dishwashing detergent (gel or pacs).
ridingsilky at gmail
I am a member of Seventh Generation's community. My username is silkyhorse:
ridingsilky at gmail
Lastly, I "liked" Seventh Generation on Facebook. Thanks for doing this giveaway!
ridingsilky at gmail
I'd like to try the baby wipes. Evan is just too sensitive for Pampers or Huggies. We use the Costco brand all the time.
I would like to try the disinfecting wipes and glass cleaner.
I follow your blog :)
I joined Seventh Generation Nation but I can't figure out how to link my profile. My username is jamiec11803
I "like" Seventh Generation on Facebook
I would love to try the baby wipes..I still use baby wipes around the house to wipe the kids faces quickly. I think they will be in high school and I will still be using wipes. LOL
I am now on their facebook page. Thanks for the giveaway...it is awesome pick me.
I would love to try their baby wipes. Aaron has a sensitive bum, so I'm already forking over extra dollars for a sensitive wipe.
I follow you.
While I love all the projects, I would love to try the dishwashing auto packs!
I've been interested in trying their diapers!
blog follower
Toilet bowl cleaner. Fer sure...my youngest is a potty pig man!
Um, can't believe I DIDN"T already follow you. how embarrassing, and now rectified!
We love 7th Gen!! Amazing laundry detergent!! I want to try their mandarin all purpose cleaner.
What a great giveaway! I would try the wipes....I think those are so convenient to have!
I would like to try the natural glass and surface cleaner!
Here is my link to the seventh generation nation profile.
I follow your blog!
I would love to try any of the floor cleaning products! I think that's one of the most important areas to have "green cleaning" products on!
I would love to try the dishwasher soap!
What a great giveaway! I've never tried any of their products before but after checking out their site, I'd be interested in checking out their baby laundry soap and training pants (since Audrey's gonna be going through that soon and has a sensitive bum)! :)
I follow you! :)
I now "Like" them on FB!
Now a member of seventh gen nation! Can't figure out how to find the link to my profile though! Sorry!
I would love to try their organic trainign diapers jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com
I follow Seventh Generation on Twitter (@jkgorcery) jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com
I'd like to try the recycled trash bags. I'm curious how well they hold up! :o)
andrea.dippner at gmail.com
i'm a fb fan!
andrea.dippner at gmail.com
follow seventh generation on twitter (@mamacampbell)
andrea.dippner at gmail.com
follow you on twitter (@mamacampbell)
andrea.dippner at gmail.com
just joined the Seventh Generation Nation-http://www.seventhgeneration.com/member
username: MamaCampbell
andrea.dippner at gmail.com
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/jkgorcery/status/14003028849 jk{dot}gorcery{at}gmail{dot}com
I'd love to try their sposies. Although we use cloth, we occasionally use sposies when I am stripping and we've started using them just at night. I'm interested if they work well!
i follow you!
You might be interested in cloth 'paper' towels (aka table towels) if you go thru a lot of them. We have them and I love them. Never have to buy paper towels!
I love their all-purpose disenfectant....and would love to try their laundry detergent!
I "like" Seventh Generation on Facebook!
I'm a follower! love your blog! so cute :)
tweeted today: http://twitter.com/SMP2009
I would love to try the dish washing soap.
Tweeted today!
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