i've been missing again. but i have four and 3/4ths great reasons to be...
this little guy...
was enjoying sometime on daddy's lap. and i just loved this picture.
of course daddy's lap is good for awhile. then it's off to catch some 'fish'. shaun said i couldn't take the picture because it's a pink fishing pole. whatever. it's cute!! lol.
and who could forget these three girls. they found the bucket. and i jokingly told them to pick stones. they did. they worked hard together picking and filling the pail. it was fun to see them working together and not fighting. and getting some stone picking done.
here's another. you can sort of see the pile they have made behind the yellow bucket. they did great work. and were sad to have to come in the house for bed!! i also must say i love how breigh and amelya did it in dresses! that's my 'farm girls'. :0)
i don't have a picture of the other little girl keeping me busy. but she is. up and moving. and yesterday kicked me so hard in the hip i thought i'd cry! it was crazy hard. i've never been kicked so hard before in the hip.
i've also been just setting the priorities straight. and the computer is falling lower and lower on the list. but it's a good thing. because then i'm spending more time with my kiddos. the only downfall is spending less time with 'you'. so i'm just going to set certain times to go on the computer and leave it at that. and i think it'll work out just fine!
because time is just too short. just looking at my kids i realize how fast time flies. i mean i can have a conversation with pretty much each one of them. on different levels of course, but i can talk and they can all respond to me. WHEN?! did that happen?
because they're all sleeping, i'm off to comment on your blogs though. i've got a few days to catch up on, but i'll be around!
have a blessed wednesday!!

19 loving words from you.:
That first picture is awesome! Is is SOC or did you edit it? The fishing picture is cute too...I didn't even notice that it was a pink fishing pole until you pointed it out! Have a great day playing with your kiddos...we are going on a field trip today:)
We don't mind getting lower on your list. Family comes first. You visit when you can. :) Very cute pictures. I love the editing. What program do you use?? I have my new d40 but I am still learning what to do with it.
That is just the cutest photo, you're right!!! I can't think of a better way for you to have been spending your time, minus the ouches from kicking baby, lol!
Looks like everyone is having a great time! :)
Adorable pictures!!
Those are such cute pictures. I totally understand about the computer falling lower on the list. I think alot of us are feeling that lately.
have to say that i absolutely LOVE that first picture of dustin!!! hope to see everyone next weekend!
What? You can't possibly be busy with 4 kids. Excuses....excuses...... HAHAHAH! I feel overwhelmed with two!
Great pics! Love that the kids can be outside this week with this beautiful weather : )
How cute!! I agree...Great priorities!
Your kids are so adorable!! I know exactly what you mean about days flying by. Just wait a few more years and you will really be wondering "when did I blink because I seemed to have missed....." :)
good for you!!! i'm right there with you. i love all the stories and pictures. your little boy is manly enough to pull off the pink fishing pole! and your little gals couldn't have looked any cuter picking rocks!
What a beautiful family you have!!
We have that same fishing pole, so cute.
Oh my goodness, that first photo is just precious. Time does fly and some how our babies just grow up in a blink of an eye. Our oldest is 11 and it seem like it was just a minute ago we brought her home. Enjoy it while you can.
Good for you for setting your priorities straight. I am thinking of redoing mine as well.
That first picture is just gorgeous. He looks like a little model. lOve it.
Cute pictures of the kids. They do grow up fast. Let them consume your time:) Doesn't last long/
OK when did Mr. D grow up? This is going way too fast! He is adorable!
Oh my gosh, Amanda! His little face is the cutest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's cute the girls were stone picking. lol Kyndra would totally do that!
I know what you mean about spending less time on the computer. I did for a little bit and it was great and this week I've been on a lot trying to get caught up on things. I've always liked the idea of having a set time to get on. I really need to incorporate that!
I, too, have been struggling with my computer usage. Yesterday was my first day with my new self-imposed guidelines and I felt so good at the end of the day. I enjoyed my kids and got tons done around my house. We have to do what is right for us and our families.
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