i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday Flashback--Dustin

friday again. and this is NOT my last friday before the baby...but it is my last 'flashback' to births..i must've figured it out wrong...besides that next friday will be a busy day because i have to take pictures for my cousin's wedding anyways...to the point...

October 22, 2008

here's me before leaving for the hospital...

my labor was the longest with mr. dustin. my doctor also didn't get started at the time she wanted to, due to being kept in surgery longer than she thought. so shaun and i spent a ton of time at the hosptial together in the morning and afternoon. things were slow going when we got started too. and eventually i had to get some pitocin to regulate my contractions. they were coming, just not regular. the pitocin helped, and for me wasn't too bad at all. plus i didn't feel like being in labor all night. my  sister stopped by after work to check on me. but she was about a half hour too early. she wished us 'good luck' and left. and with in the next half hour things got going a bit faster. my doctor checked me. walked out the door. i looked at shaun and told him i had to push. my doctor walked back in because she heard me 'sound different' (that's what shaun said) and in a few pushes we got to meet our first son...
dustin was 8lbs 7oz and 21 inches long. he also had the MOST hair out of all my kiddos. i also had my first bouts of heartburn while pregnant with him...maybe that old wive's tale is true? if so, i've had it AWFUL with this baby, so she may have a head full of hair.

speaking of hair. it's summer. so we decided to buzz dustin's hair. it really was on a whim. and we did it out on our deck sunday morning. so here's dustin's look for summer!!
his little cowlick in front is more prominent now, but ever so cute! i just love it!!

one thing i also love, is the prayers you've lifted up for my hands. i ask for more. i've been in tears the past few mornings because it hurts so badly. it also makes it hard to type. ;0) please forgive any errors. only 11 more mornings of pain. then some really big pain. and then...a baby girl in my arms. it can't get much better than that!!

have a great weekend!! we have a wedding tomorrow night. i love weddings!! actually i love the possibility of being able to dance with shaun. :)

12 loving words from you.:

Kelli W said...

The first thing I noticed about the baby picture was all that hair! He is such a cutie...I love his new haircut! I hope your hands start feeling better...I know that kind of pain is terrible, especially when you are trying to take care of your kiddos!

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

I love buzz heads on little boys. :)

McCrakensx4 said...

Wow...What a cutie! Love all the blonde hair! I had a lot of heartburn with my 2nd one and he was born with a head full of hair! Hoping these last 11 days go quickly as you would like them but slow enough for you to remember! Take care and have a great weekend.

Kristin said...

I didn't realize Dustin was so close in age to my Benjamin. His birthday is October 10, 2008! And many prayers are going your way for you hands. So difficult to be in pain when taking care of little ones.

Sarah MP said...

Not too much longer and your body can get back to normal. 12 more days!!

-stephanie- said...

I first "met" you when you were pregnant with him. Time goes so fast. He was and is a cutie! Have fun at the wedding.
Sending forth healing of your hands, In Jesus Name!

Kristin said...

Praying for you!! I just love Dustin's hair in that picture! How adorable!! Hope you have fun at the wedding and get to dance!

Holly said...

I love his head of baby hair! It's so blonde!

I'm so sorry about your hands. I pray that they feel better!!

He & Me + 3 said...

I am loving that you are doing this to lead up to this babies birth. Too cute. Dustin is adorable. I love the new summer cut and the cowlick is perfect. I will pray for your hands. you poor thing.

Stephanie said...

Aww how cute is he?!?

Adorable!!!!! love love love baby pics - you know how I am about that!

Melissa said...

love the preggo pics...i really need to find mine. i also love dustin's new haircut...its super cute on him.

Mayhem and Moxie said...

This can't possibly be Dustin. When did he get so big? Such a darling, darling boy.

Loved this post from you! It is exactly why all moms should blog. :)
