i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

oh happy day...

the sun is shining bright this afternoon. waking up this morning i thought it was going to be a rainy day. yay! that it's not. we went to story time this morning. before going amelya said, are they going to talk about dinosaurs? i said yep. they told us LAST week that dinosaurs was this week's topic. i couldn't believe she remembered. i should though. she remembers everything. we went to go ole mickey d's afterwards. and actually two of the other moms who go to the library and their kids came too. it was nice to chat with them and amelya had lots of fun playing with her friends from the library. it's crazy to think how fast amelya is growing up. she has friends for pete's sake. and it's so fun to see her talking and having conversations with them. she's normally very shy so it's nice to see her 'stepping out of her box'. i don't think we'll have to worry about breigh, but amelya i worry about. tomorrow we don't have anything planned. so hopefully i can get some ambition to hard core pick up. friday my sister is coming before work and we're going rummaging and then i have a drs appt. yay!! i really like my dr too. and it's nice that she comes to chilton so i don't have to run to appleton. she's been with me 'from the begining'. and we're the first ones of her patients to get pregnant after a miscarriage...and we haven't stopped since. :) did i mention how excited i am for this baby!! amelya is excited too. she keeps telling me my belly is getting bigger. and everytime we hear a name she thinks we should name the baby that! she still says it is a boy, but she still wants a girl. lol. it's funnier to hear her say it because she says girl cute. i don't think breigh really knows yet. but i do know she will make a fantastic big sister too. she and amelya are very good big sisters to caitlyn. caitlyn laughs the hardest and smiles the biggest at them. i totally LOVE being a mom. i couldn't imagine my life with out these precious little girls. they make me smile each day. i'm so so so so blessed. i've done nothing to deserve them, yet have been given them. : O ) people keep asking if we're hoping for a boy. and i keep saying, i don't really care but i'd love a boy. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. and if we have a boy people will say oh good now you can be done. and if we have a girl people will ask if we're gonna try for a boy. caitlyn was only a few days old!! when someone asked me if we were going to try for a boy! seriously what business is it of theres. and after having a newborn your mind is not clear anyways!! oh well i guess. people have always been nosy and it ain't about to change i am sure. but anyways. there is wash in the dryer...and in the washer...and it is not switching and folding itself. til later gator. amanda

0 loving words from you.: