i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Monday, August 18, 2008


so as you can see i changed the background. i really like how i don't have to go thru and redo everything to get it all back on here. nice. nice.

mom's group was fun today. next week we're taking a field trip to mom and pop place for mom's group. it should be fun. neither of the other mom's have ever been there. so it'll be nice for them to see it too.

my show tonight went well. i got another booking for september. so i'm excited about that. there were only four orders...but the party is almost at 400. awesome. i'm hoping for them to hit 500 then they can split the show into two and each get all of the deals for themselves instead of having to split them up.

tomorrow i'm going to the chiro for a visit. my back is hurting less then it was this morning. but i'm sure playing volleyball screwed me up a little...and caitlyn has been having some issues with going poopy soooo that'll help her too. i have to go to lowe's after to get some tiles to make the gift for shaun's sister for her birthday too. so we'll have a relaxing morning but a busy afternoon tomorrow. oh well.

so i'm going to go. i just thought i couldn't change my background without saying something too. lol. good night and sweet sweet dreams...

1 loving words from you.:

Jenny said...

I love the colors of your new back ground. Makes me think of fall and the leaves changing colors. My favorite time of the year!
Not too much longer before Dustin/Dustynn makes his/her apperance. Can't wait to see pics!