i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Monday, October 06, 2008

not me. nope NOT ME!

yay! another not me monday. click on the right side bar button to find out more...here are my NOT ME'S....

it is not my belly that rubs and hits the steering wheel every time i drive our van...

oh and while we're talking about things my belly isn't doing, my belly button definitely is not so stretched out of my stomach that it is actually painful...nope nope nope

and it is not my sink that STILL has dishes in it, like i didn't say last week, i always have a clean sink, always no matter what

it wasn't me that got excited about seeing the new barney movie at the movie store, amelya was definitely more excited then me, definitely...

i absolutely was not laughing so hard and trying to hold my pee in while watching a movie yesterday, because i am not too lazy to just get up and walk to the bathroom

and after the movie it wasn't me who wanted to just go 'ahhhhhhh' while finally running to the bathroom and going

it wasn't me who bought special things to wear for our weekend getaway, because i'm already pregnant and what's the point really...no i didn't waste my money on that

i am so not the one who is so secretly excited to drive in a car for hours alone with my husband and have an entire weekend to ourselves, just the two of us celebrating five years together...no i am not excited at all

i am also not thinking about how much i'm going to miss the girls while we're gone

i didn't almost cry when breigh cried yesterday that we were going to a movie without her, i'm a tough mom

i didn't feed my girls yogurt and cereal for supper saturday because i'm was too lazy to make something, i always cook meals, always

i also didn't feel so relieved (and almost wanted to cry again) when someone saw me in public with the girls, by myself, and actually had something nice to say about it, and actually encouraged me in it

i didn't cry lots and laugh lots at the movie we saw yesterday, because i am so not an emotional pregnant mommy right now....

well i think that's it for the week. but i know you are so wondering what movie i saw! it was fireproof...

and what an excellent, awesome, super good movie. i highly suggest that you go see it. i'm glad i got to see it with shaun. it's a good 'couple movie' to see. there is some 'action' to go along with the story line. it is by the same church who made facing the giants (another good movie). the acting has gotten better by the church people in this movie too. and kirk cameron is in this one. he is the ONLY professional actor that i recognized in the movie, everyone else is from the church as far as i know. i also heard that they shot the ENTIRE MOVIE with only ONE camera. now not seeing the movie you would not know how incredible that is. but it is. oh and the movie has tons of hilarious parts to it. and just enough to through some laughter in the movie. the movie really has a serious story line. and a true story line. kind of scary actually. not your 'scary movie' type, but a scary truth type. it's based on a marriage that is falling apart, and only one of the partners truly wants to work on it (eventually). i don't want to share all the details, because i want you to go see it.

but just know it is the first movie in a long time that made me cry and laugh so much, i may have done a bit more crying, but only due to the fact that the girls mother has just recently had a stroke. well my grandma died, almost five years ago already, and had a few strokes and the lady looked like her. and i bawled. i almost walked out of the theater. (yep that's right, i'll walk out to bawl my head off but not pee) but shaun grabbed my hand and the scene ended so it was a bit easier. i'm secretly glad they didn't show too much of the girl's mother because it really was hard. it just brings back so many memories of my grandma.

my grandma and grandpa were very close to us growing up. we didn't go to daycare, we went to grandma and grandpa's house. my freshman year of college she was put into a nursing home due to her dementia. boy that was a hard adjustment. i came home every weekend. mostly to see shaun. but i also made a point to go visit my grandma almost every sunday too. shaun was so supportive and always came with me. even though i know it was hard for him sometimes too. i treasure all those times i had with her 'after' she got sick. just as much as 'before'. i know that she remembered me. maybe not my name, but the twinkle in her eye when i walked in told me in my heart that she remembered me. she got really sick at the beginning of september five years ago, they said she was going to die. well she didn't. she actually had a few really good days, and reminded us of her 'old self' before getting bad again. i truly believe that was just a blessing from god. my bridal shower was supposed to be that first weekend. but my mom told me about it and i decided to cancel it. well by the time it came for my second shower my grandma had gotten really bad. but we went ahead with the shower, had to, there was only a month to the wedding. my grandma was to the point of 'waiting' and i was visiting as often as i could. one day shaun and i were visiting and the rest of the family left to go 'pray the rosary' (something i don't agree with, why do you have to pray the rosary, can't you just pray to jesus...um yep you can, so i just stayed with my grandma) it was during that short visit alone with her i just prayed with her and told her grandma you just need jesus. that's all you need. just jesus in your heart. and my grandma did something extraordinary, she started crying. immediately after i shared that with her. i KNOW that was god. i KNOW my grandma accepted jesus that day. you see my grandma had not been communicating for days, weeks even. but on that one special day she did. i KNOW my grandma is in heaven. and is celebrating with her savior. and i KNOW one day i WILL be there with her. because we both share that relationship with jesus. and that's all we need to do. we don't have to worry about being 'good enough' to get to heaven. none of us are 'good' enough. god wants us to just have that relationship with his son. it's what the bible says. it's what i believe. god said. i believe it. that settles it. i don't need to answer to anyone BUT god.

well i suppose. i've gone on a tagnet not even intending to. thanks for reading it. now go out and see that movie!!

10 loving words from you.:

Melissa said...

And it "was not" me who was just laughing so hard at my desk at your story about not getting up to go pee.... too funny!!

TigerFamily said...

Congrats on your coming arrival and 5 years! Hope your weekend away is fantastic...good for you on new things to wear! Have a great time. m

S.L.P said...

You and your girls are beautiful! Even though I know it's true because it's happened to me, I can't believe anyone would have something ugly to say to you. Congratulations on your anniversary and your new baby!

Weeksie50 said...

Cereal for supper is my favorite.. What Movie did you see yesterday>?

Jessi Dawn said...

thanks for commenting (and for reading!) my blog post for "not me" monday. Your "not me" list is super funny! Ah, another pregnant woman to laugh over huge bellies with. Good times.

Jennifer said...

Aww the joys of pregnancy...peeing, stretch marks, belly gettin' in the way of everything, eating too much, and crying all the time!! Been there, done that times 4 and I'm not (a real not this time) going to miss it!!

Mama Kautz said...

enjoy your time with hubby and awesome story about your grandma

Christy said...

Loved all of your not me's! You have such precious little ones and their names...oh how sweet they all are! Love your blog...Ill be back! Thanks for stopping by mine!

Ashley said...

Love all your not me's! I remember the needing to pee but not wanting to!
BTW, i loved FIREPROOF too. And I go to the church that made the movie. You are right, Kirk was the only pro actor and guess what, he didn't get paid for it either! It was an ALL volunteer cast. God is awesome!

Ms. J said...

Your not me's are funny...definitely could relate especially when I was pregnant...can't wait to see the Fireproof movie...
