i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Friday, January 23, 2009

guess what!?

the other night i was on the phone with shaun's aunt.

bet you didn't know that!! lol...okay really here is what i had to say....

her and her family were pooling all of their christmas money together to buy a wii. she had some questions and i answered them for her. and then told her how i wanted a wii fit and if she ever saw one anywhere she should call me.

well she called me last night.

because she found the wii fit!!

and she dropped it off last night.

and today i am sore.

it is loads of fun. and you can really get out of breath. well maybe it's just me. but at anyrate it is fun. i just don't like how it called me overweight...and proceeded to make my mii fat. lol. but i did the stepping game and my tookie is sore today. lol. it is fun.

so that's all i had to say i guess. i know you all probably don't care all that much. but i'm excited.

so i'm off for my day. to gage's house and then shopping with my sister...oh and guess what...shaun doesn't have to work this weekend. i'm stoked. but hey...i know you already knew that! i'm just super excited to spend two days with the man. :-)

15 loving words from you.:

Ashley said...

so excited for you to get your wii fit! we are still diligently looking... someday! have fun at gage's house and shopping with amy!

C.C. and Double T said...

Sounds like fun. My hubby really wants a Wii. Maybe soon.

Oh, and on your last post, definitely let the LORD direct you! That's always the best way. I will be praying for you as well.

Hey, I have a contest going on over at my blog. Jump on over and enter! :-)


Julie said...

Isn't the wii fit fun! I wish we had one at our house.

~*Michelle*~ said...

OH ROCK ON~ I totally want to get a Wii, just for the Wii Fit.

Do you think I could make my boobs perkier on the the Wii Mii?

Have fun today!


Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...


The Mama said...

I got a wii for Christmas and I really want wii fit. Is it totally worth the money? I hope so! Cute pics btw.

Stephanie said...

We don't have a wii yet..I've heard it's tons of fun though!!!

Have a wonderful weekend with your hubby!

Jessi said...

That's awesome. I have really been wanting one too but wondered if it really worked SO now that you say it does, being sore means it works in my book, maybe I'll have to get one and try it out!
Enjoy your fun day and weekend with the hubby!

-stephanie- said...

how cool. keep it up and your sore "tookie" will go away.

He & Me + 3 said...

Yeah for Wii fit! How fun! That is awesome that your hubby will be home this weekend...mine will be working!

Elyse said...

YAY for the wii fit :) Look foward to hearing more about it!

Tiffany said...

Amanda, you are on fire, girl! I was out of breath just reading your last few posts! LOL! The Wii, huge fan and totally jealous of you. We have yet to get one but I have "custody" of one of my friends' for the time being! :) Haha!!

Love the pics of the kiddos. The hue sat pics are fab! I so have to start playing with that stuff!

The Boren Life

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Wii fit? You go, Amanda, because Lord knows that I am certainly not keeping to ANY of my exercise goals since the new year started! :)

I am so glad that you have a great weekend in store. Let's make it a bit more fun and add another follower to your sidebar. Look...there we are!


heidi said...

How cool that she found one for you!! Have a great weekend!

Elyse said...

Wanted to let you know that I awarded you a bloggy award on my blog. Check it out soon :)