i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Monday, December 07, 2009

the doctor's appointment.

what a busy day!!

but we're home now. the three little ones are napping and amelya is chillin'. and shaun just got home from work and is shoveling...

so i quick wanted to update about the dr's appt today.

my first appt with the nurse went fine. it's so fun though because she was geniunely exicted to see me back and pregnant again. it feels so nice, because it feels like it just isn't part of her job. i mean she spends her day with pregnant people. either way it was nice to not just be another pregnant face.

i will happily report that i weighed three pounds lighter than i did yesterday at my mom's house. *whew* i was only 177 today. which is a bit higher than i want it...who am i kidding it's a lot higher than i want it but whatever. and i guess i'm confident enough to share it with the whole internet world too. lol. i truly don't 'care'. i mean sure it's not an ideal weight...but what am i going to do now? i can't go and lose a bajillion pounds on purpose. generally i do lose a few pounds at the beginning of pregnancy. so i'm hoping for maybe two? then i'll be at the 175 mark and that is what i was after i had dustin. so not too shabby i guess.

the nurse appt went fine. it's the same lady i've had since my very first pregnancy...so i've seen her a lot in the past six years. she's nice enough. and actually today i had some 'conversation' with her outside of the pregnancy which is a bit different than normal.

after that i had to meet someone at burger king. i sold some stuff on craiglist. so the money wouldn't burn too big of a hole in my pocket i decided to treat myself to a pedicure. there was a tiny little place right by burger king. and really, i haven't had a pedi since dustin was born...that's a long time for me. :0) i was SO pleasently surprised by the place. the people who worked there spoke super clear english. like clear enough we had a conversation the entire time. that has never happened to me before. most of the time i spend it going what? or just smiling because i had NO idea what they said. it was nice. and the pedi was nice. it's nice to have polished toes again too. :0) i did purple.

that used up pretty much all of my time til my dr's appt with my actual doctor. i didn't have to wait too long and i was called back. it was a pretty short wait in the room as well. which is nice. and even nicer...my dr didn't have to go deliver a baby...the past few visits i've had it seems there's a baby needing delivering and i need to wait. :0)

my dr was happy to see me. and happy that the ultrasound went well a few weeks ago. but she also brought in the transportable ultrasound machine as well. she did the normal 'girly' visit stuff. and checked me. she said i felt to be around nine or ten weeks. and i'm technically nine today. on a 'normal' schedule. then it was time for the ultrasound.

of course god would have me wait. because little baby e was hiding. she asked if i had a full bladder. i said yes. she asked me if i wanted to try and go pee quick and see if that will help. i told her sure. as i was in the bathroom i had to giggle...here god was telling me again...just wait. all in my timing.

well the empty bladder helped tremendously. and i got to see our little baby. baby measured a few days behind nine weeks. which is in line with the first ultrasound of a few days later. so the doctor set my due date at july 16th, instead of the 12th (which was my 'period' dating) because generally with a later cycle she likes to go to the later date. it doesn't matter too much because i'm assuming i'll be induced anyways. here's the picture i got today. it's sort of hard to see. but that 'blob' with the dotted line is baby. those of you who've had ultrasounds may have more of an eye...but regardless...there's our little baby!!

i must also say..i LOVE my dr. i really feel like she's my friend. she's willing to spend how ever much time she needs to with you. and she'll talk about other things too. we had some interesting conversations today! i will say though, it's a relationship that's been built. when i was pregnant with amelya it was not quite the same. i do still miss her old nurse though. but will say that even though her current nurse irked me a bit in the past...she was very different today and a ton nicer. so YAY!!

my dr also told me my progesterone levels went up fabulous. to 35!! woo hoo. she said she was really happy with that and we'll keep doing what we're doing until probably 12 weeks. so i'm fine with that. i'm pretty much used to it now anyway.

and she also had me schedule out all my appts. it makes july come SUPER fast! she also asked if i wanted to schedule another appt in two weeks to do another in office ultrasound. she said she likes to offer it to those who have had miscarriages as a bit of a reassurance...because a month is a long time to wait. how nice! so i'll get to see our miracle a few days before christmas.

so yay. thanks for the prayers. because prayers were truly answered today. god is SO good...but you know what...even if he wouldn't have given me these same results...he'd still be SO good...why? because he's cool like that!

19 loving words from you.:

Jen said...

fantastic, my friend!

ashleyjnc said...

Yes yipee yay wahoo hooray! Thank goodness Amanda and so glad :)

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

That is wonderful!! Bigger than an olive now. :) Enjoy your evening.

~*Michelle*~ said...

Giving God ALL the glory, my friend!!!!!!!!!

Veronica said...

Awesome, awesome, awesome! So excited to hear a good report! Thank you Jesus!!!

Kelli W said...

I'm so glad you got good news! Yay! Can't wait to find out what baby E is and what his or her name will be!!

The Mama said...

yeay! so happy for you and your ever-growing family :)

S.L.P said...

Congratulations Amanda. That is great news! I hope things continue to go smoothly!

Holly said...

Awesome, so glad to hear the great news! Praying things progress normally for you.

Judson Family said...

Congrats to you and your family..

Megan said...

Amanda, so great to hear continued good news! Happy nine weeks!

He & Me + 3 said...

How cool to see the baby. Yea! That is awesome Amanda. So happy for you and your family.

Stephanie @ dirtandlace.com said...

I am SO SO SO SO happy for you and your family!

My doctor has left me sitting on the table to deliver a baby before. Gone and back in 45 minutes. Something doesn't seem right about that... Lol.

Stephanie @ dirtandlace.com said...

I am SO SO SO SO happy for you and your family!

My doctor has left me sitting on the table to deliver a baby before. Gone and back in 45 minutes. Something doesn't seem right about that... Lol.

Maire said...

So happy for you!!! I remember how worried I was when I was pregnant with my youngest, I had miscarried shortly before I became pregnant again with her. I also lost weight at the beginning of each pregnancy.
Hugs, Maire

Anonymous said...
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Jennifer W. said...

When I got PG with Emmie I lost down to my pre-WEDDING weight!! As cool as it was, it was still a little scary. I lost so much so fast I had to stop nursing Noah when he was only 10 months (at my Dr's recommendation). It was a sad day for me! :(
I'm so glad things are going well! We'll keep praying that they stay that way!!

women apologetics said...

Congrats Amanda! This is great news- I didn't know you were pregnant. Praise the Lord, and we will keep you and the little one in our prayers.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great appointment! Wishing you a happy & healthy pregnancy!