i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Friday, January 22, 2010


i need some.

i've had a headache since yesterday afternoon.

i've tried coke.

i've tried tylenol.

i've tried sleep.

today i'm going to try to go to the chiropractor.

or i may just cut the top head of my head off. it may look a bit silly. BUT i'd feel better...maybe.

i've also caught a cold and sore throat. :0)

prayers way appreciated friends.

if mom's could get sick days...today would be mine.  but since we don't i rest in god's love and protection and promise that nothing is impossible with him!!

18 loving words from you.:

Kelli W said...

Sickness always seem so much worse when you are pregnant! Maybe because you can't take any of the good medicines! I hope you headache goes away soon:)

~*Michelle*~ said...

Praying, my friend.....headaches are such a drag. I hope the chiro works...

gentle {{{hugs}}}

Cheryl said...

Homeopathic remedies might help. I used cell salts during my last pregnancy and they really helped. They are inexpensive and might be worth a try.

A friend also just gave me something called "Tiger Balm" which was purchased at a health food store because I had a severe headache and I'm nursing. It took the pain away. It might help you also with any sinus congestion.

Hope you are feeling better really soon!

With love and hope,
We are Nine

Tiffany Lockette said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Leene said...

I hope you fell better soon. I had a headache that wouldn't quit the other day, took tylenol and ate a cupcake, felt better within the hour. I swear it was the cupcake :) Have a blessed day.

Stephanie @ dirtandlace.com said...

When I was pregnant with Summer, I had horrible headaches. They would not go away no matter what. Finally, my doctor prescribed me something to take. I don't have a clue what they were called, but they were big white pills. They made the headaches go away immediately. My guess is that your headaches are based on hormones and not the "normal" headache, thus the lack of relief by normal means.

The Mama said...

I hope you feel better soon! I totally wish we got sick days (and vacations, too)! If they could just throw in the health insurace and hour long lunch break--I'd be happy! Feel better, Amanda!

Beccalynn said...

I'm sorry your sick! I just came by for the first time and I LOVE your blog title! I also love how you're naming your kids with names using consecutive letters of the alphabet!

Jen said...

Oh, goodness. Hopefully you get some relief soon; headaches during pregnancy can be awful. I was prescribed Ty3 when preg with Caleb and that seemed to do the trick.

Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

praying you get to feeling better soon! I left you a surprise on my blog :)

Jennifer said...

Ugh -- I remember the pregnancy headaches, colds & sore throats. Healing prayers coming your way, my friend.

Feel better!

~ Jennifer

Karen said...

I used to get horrible headaches when I was pregnant too. My doctor actually had to write me a prescription to get relief. Hope you feel better soon!

christy rose said...

Headaches are such a bummer! hope you feel better soon!

Veronica said...

So sorry about the headaches. Hope going to the chiropractor helped and that today's a better day! Praying for you, my dear!

Amy said...

Hi Amanda! I just read your comment to me on my blog. Thank you so very very much for your kind and supportive words!! It is words like those that have really helped me past the last five days. I also really hope your headaches get better soon! I'll keep you in my prayers :)

Jenilee said...

Hope you feel better soon. I had a headache for two days last week so I can feel your pain!

Nutmeg said...

I totally understand the desire to cut your head off...{{HUGS}} to you!

He & Me + 3 said...

Oh girl I feel like this today:)