i don't claim to know it all. i don't claim to be perfect. i just claim to love jesus.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


two weeks ago (already!) we had our church's VBS. i, along with two dear friends, headed it up. for something that came up in conversation, only a few months before...VBS turned out SO wonderful. i was seriously bummed (and admittedly relieved) on the last day of VBS.

my "role" for the week was leader during the opening and closing assembly. i absolutely hate being in front of people. but the Lord equipped me and it was a lot of fun. the week went really well. it was mostly on time, which in and of itself...is a major feat! i never remembered my camera to bring along, but i have a few pictures of us on crazy hair day. (each day we had a way for the kids to earn points)

i reached back into my "high school days" and pulled out the washable markers..during freshman year study hall i colored my hair with markers. :) here's mine.

then i went and got the four older kiddos. they were surprised when i came to get them from rest time! but totally enjoyed markers in their hair. i made sure that evaleigh was napping...because i KNOW she'd color her hair if she saw us. she was enamored with our hair, but was content with having "plain" hair.

we ended up with between 24-29 kids each night of VBS. for our size church (about 150 people, including kids) i thought that was a pretty decent amount. we also had some families come who don't attend the vine. ((including a dear friend driving from our town to where our church is, about 40 min, to bring her son! i was blessed by that!)) the last night we did an ice cream social. it was a lot of fun seeing all of the kids hang out together. 

i wish i had more pictures to share, because i feel like this is nothing. but know that i was SO extremely blessed by doing a VBS. the help i had was so incredibly awesome. i could have not asked for anything else. people stepped up and did what was asked for them. i designated areas for people to take care of, and they took care of it. i didn't have to stress about what they were going to do. if they were going to do it. etc. everyone was on the same page...and we all came together and made VBS perfect!

nothing blessed me more than hearing a mom say that she was so excited for the memories we helped create for her girls. another mom told me how cool she thought it was that her daughter came home REMEMBERING what she had learned. 

as i walked around church each night and took in all the children's smiles i couldn't help but notice the looks on the teachers and volunteers faces. it was sheer joy. God blessed each one of us during the week of VBS in ways i don't think we thought possible. i can't wait til next year. :)

breigh got tattoos with her points on the last night. i love her sharing heart...

0 loving words from you.: